From the Cuba dupa audit I found lots of things that really show was Cuba dupa is about. It evokes fun and excitement and playfulness is promenitent through out the previous years designs and promotional materials.

The CubaDupa experience. It’s the people, the diversity, people coming together and the surreal celebration of the weird and the wonderful. All this makes CubaDupa special and couldn’t take place anywhere else but on Cuba Street. In my design I wanted to show flow, repetition and movement through static forms and grid systems. Bright colours and fun forms are a must.

From the talk with Gerry, he mentioned that the ‘aim’ of Cuba dupa is an escape away from everyday life and a celebration of the weird and wonderful to forget about the norm. I think thats a really big aspect to incorporate into the brand essence.

This is interesting as the letter forms could be pulled apart, overlayed with colour as well as fulled with solid colour. It is similar to the original logo but with a bit of fun and flare.
The key forms of my logo are the deconstructed letter forms with the ‘o’ ‘u’ and line being that main features. The deconstructed forms represent the individual people themselves and then when they come together for the festival, Cuba Dupa is made. With the mixing of diversity and backgrounds of all people coming together to escape from their ordinary.

1 month before the festival starts, the posters, social media, promotional material, giveaways and competitions will begin. During the CubaDupa weekend, the Augmented reality features will be available on the CubaDupa app including AR way finding. The Instagram filters and augmented reality features to ‘escape from your reality’ even after the festival has finished.

The posters include the dynamic narrative language through a typographic poster in a series with the artist performer posters with the deconstructed logo forms, as well as a graphical poster created by the logo forms.
The typographic poster will be made into motion at bus stops and other digital billboards around the city. With the idea of being able to escape from your reality, this can get people excited about the festival.

Consistency is shown through the repetition of the same layouts as the posters and on social media, including instagram. The posting schedule will be that you have to post a different variation each time so that no two of the same layout are together on the instagram feed.
Instagram stories will be utilised by posting videos of previous years to continue the hype and Spotify to share the music of the artists performing and using music as an escape. The features like the heart eye emoji slider and question sections will allow for the voice of the people to be heard as well as engagement with the event. During the festival videos of the event can be posted live as well as sharing people engaging with the insta gram filters. People love to express themselves through makeup. I love this pathway of expression and It further expands on my brand essence of escaping from your ordinary through showing the transition from normality to extraordinary.

During the festival and on the cupadupa app you can digitally escape from your reality. One of the features is the augmented reality with the CubaDupa logo. I have utilised augmented reality is it acts as if you are looking through a window into a new world, a world of the weird and wonderful you might say, And it’s all accessible from your pocket.
It shows how the logo is constructed and the overlapping of the forms (these were actually meant to be transparent but I couldn’t work out how to do that in cinema 4d or adobe aero. So with the diagram you can see how the forms are laid out and fitted together.
My cinema 4d free trail finished so I couldn’t show the developed version in context.
Also In the app there is digital way finding and navigation. With a lot of people at the festival at one time, it can be difficult to find the maps and schedules throughout the street so having it in your pocked will be extremely convenient. You can find specific stages or performers at any time you need.