‘To Bee or not to Bee?’ is a mobile application which facilitates the migration process for Honey Bees. The app allows to build a community of environmentally conscious users and local beekeepers to prevent the bee population from declining further before it becomes an immediate emergency. We have used a combination of features within the phone architecture including the camera, gyroscope, GPS, timer, and the ambient sensor to facilitate interspecies communication. Through intensive research about honey bees and how they are communicate with each other is the main idea behind the functionality of the app. Design decisions were made with this in mind to ensure usability and legibility through a linear process that is easy to navigate through. This a complicated underdeveloped field involving the communication with other species through a mobile device where we needed to replicate physical attributes of a real life bee communication process. Through distance calculations, sun orientation, and direction we were able to simulate a unique waggle dance involving slight vibrations and appropriate lighting which bees can recognise and believe the simulation as one of their own.
Presentation adding context to the app
Mobile App Walk through